Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Nafziger Christmas--January 1, 2011

Patrick and Jillian playing with SLIME! Eww!

Will the real Santa Nafziger please step forward?

Brother Chris, Momma Frankie, and Niece Jillian

Looks like two on the couch have some paper ammo--
something the Nafziger brothers love to start

Anna and Jillian took turns reading a book we took called "God Gave Us Christmas"
(the main characters are polar bears :) )

Christmas at the Lehmans--December 25, 2010

Rodney and I read a little book to Noah
(and the rest of the gang) called
"Love Came Down at Christmas"

Patrick the baker and coffee maker

Mom and Dad, looking pretty chipper even though they were sick :(

Nichelle and Elliana, our new niece born December 19

Friday, January 7, 2011

Simba trying out his booties!


Simba in his booties

We're not the type of people to buy booties for our dog, but doesn't he look so cute?!! Simba's poor paws get too cold in the snow sometimes and he'll just stop walking and we have to carry him back home. So, we thought we'd give these a try! However, he wasn't real fond of them, so they're going back to the store. :)

Simba's New Favorite Spot