Saturday, February 23, 2008

Silent Night

The other night we got home late after what had become a very long day.  It was a crisp winter evening--the kind where your breath clouds your vision as it wisps up to the heavens.  
Our plan was to go to bed as quickly as possible, but of course the dog needed to go out for a little.
I walked him up into our backyard, the snow crunching underfoot as he sniffed and snorted at the end of his leash.  And for a moment, I stopped and stared up at the moon--slowly eclipsed by the earth's shadow.  And for a moment, he sat.  And we both breathed.  And there was no traffic.
For that one moment we were at peace with the world.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dining Room Renovations

Tonight we started taking the wallpaper off from the dining room.  It's slow going.  

Christine's 30th birthday party

Here are a few pictures of Christine's 30th Birthday party!  Around 40 some people came to our house.  Most were from church, but we were glad to celebrate with a few other friends also.

hiiiii trying a new post

Hello all,

This is gary...............pat's dad trying to post a blog. My first. Thanks pat for inviting me. That bedroom you guys did is AWESOME. amazing change from when we stayed there. You guys can come help us decorate our house.

Nothing much to add here as we're in the middle of winter. Snow is a foot deep and no melting going on. Tonight we're due for another 6 inches. It has been picturesque to say the least. Birds are flocking to our feeders and I'm working in my shop. Who could ask for anything more? lol

It would be a good idea to get pictures on here when and if i can figure that out. Also to get my son's chris and tim to contribute.

well thats about it for now. we'll see if this works.......and maybe try again.

gary n.

More pics of that room

Here are some more pics of that room

Gary, this is the room you and mama slept in.
Looks better without the psycho circus clown paper, huh?
I forget if the TV and couch were up there when you were here or if we had them downstairs in the dining room.

try this again

Living in a Winter Wonderland

Christmas in Iowa

Jillian reading the Christmas story with a little help from Christine
Here are some more recent pictures of Christmas and our dog Simba.